Ongoing Collaborations

Mechanistic of the phosphate uptake and regulation in Xanthomonas citri. Researchers: Lucas Santos Souza (ICB-USP), Dr Albert Guskov (University of Groningen, Holanda)

Characterization of the immune potential and immune response induced from components of Mycobacterium tuberculosis ABC transporters in blood cells. Researchers: Dra. Ana Carolina Ramos Moreno, ICB/USP.

Production and characterization of ABC transporters involved with drug efflux in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Researchers: Dr. Isabel de Moraes, Membrane Protein Facility, National Physics Laboratory (London, England)

Functional and structural studies of the heterozygous variant of the CACNA1H gene and its relationship with autism. Researchers:  Dra. Andrea Sertie, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein.

Inhibition of ABC transporters and drug discovery. Researchers: Dr. Marko Hyvonen, Departamento de Bioquímica, Universidade de Cambridge.

Structural characterization of viral proteins. Researchers: Prof. Luis Carlos de Souza Ferreira (LDV, ICB-USP), Prof. Dr. Edison Durigon (ICB/USP), Dr. Lucio Freitas Jr., (ICB/USP)